AKTU College Code: 820
Internship and Live Project
Each student is required to undergo six to eight, week summer training at leading corporations by undertaking a project of direct relevance to the concerned organizations. Subsequently, a presentation on the project and a viva-voce before university panel ( external Examiners) is held.
In addition to the summer training projects, students are assigned small projects during the session in order to enhance their practical exposure. Faculty also integrate the theoretical learning with practice through AKGIM academies and the Metamorphosis programme, which are extremely beneficial in behavioral and attitude training of students.
Training and Placements of students is given top priority and various activities in this regard are undertaken. With the mission to serve society by promoting excellence in education AKGIM aims to produce sound technical professionals with a temperament of strong logic. For this, special efforts are made to groom the students to meet the standards of the industry, both in technical knowledge and soft skills. AKGIM Academies and the Metamorphosis initiatives make a big difference in students' grooming. There is continuous college-industry interface and interactive seminars on emerging technologies are arranged to provide wide ranging exposure to students.
The institute provides support to its students in their training and placement by a full fledged Training & Placement Cell comprising of students and headed by a Senior Faculty member. The cell helps the students to find suitable placement in corporate sector. The Placement cell undertakes: -